One of the most unique healing stories in The Bible is the healing of the woman with the issue of blood. For twelve years, she followed the law, protecting others from her uncleanness but the isolation pressed her down. She stood on the sidelines of life, hearing laughter and joy in others. She wondered when her friends stopped sympathizing with her in their conversations and started talking about how they needed to avoid her. She missed pounding out the bread dough, preparing meals, and sitting around the fire on cool nights, soaking up the beauty of the skies and just belonging. She missed the community. At first, she worked hard to avoid touching others when she ventured out, but now she kept her head down, calling out the word “unclean”, knowing she needed to avoid contaminating anyone. Warned, her neighbors gave her a wide walkway. She felt purposeless. The return of joy had slipped away a long time ago.
I have been reflecting the last eight months yes, we should pray, and sometimes it is necessary to wait for God’s timing. But many times we can find ourselves waiting and praying when it may be time to start moving in faith. That is what the woman with the issue of blood did. In the end, Jesus said to her “your faith has made you well” (Mark 5:25-34).
The word for “well” can be interpreted in two ways, “Your faith has made you well” or “Your faith has saved you”. She experienced physical and spiritual healing. While others avoided her, Jesus calls her daughter. With these few words, Jesus makes it clear she belongs, she is safe with Him and her faith in Him healed her.
Most of us will not get through life without experiencing deep loss and sometimes those losses put us on a downward spiral whose destination is total despair. Sometimes we experience shame for our sin or insecurity because something about us causes others to avoid contact. Jesus knows our sorrows. Sometimes we might conclude we don’t measure up to God’s standards. We don’t understand Scripture the way others do. This story reminds me that God isn’t looking for healthy, wise, and smart people, but rather he just wants our trust.
I see myself in this woman carrying around the wounds of my illness, ailments, or life struggles. I find myself sick of the pain so I kind of just stay there. Recently, God has been asking me to put my faith into action by trusting that he has me in every form and to hold on a little bit longer. There is a level of endurance and patience that he wants to envelop me in during this season. There is patience and endurance that we see in this woman with the issue of blood. Yes her days were hard but it didn't keep her from reaching for Jesus.
What do you need to reach out to Jesus for? Feeling restless in this season with where you desire to be? Your faith is making way for you to reach for Jesus to heal whatever aches your broken heart. He has not forgotten about you or your precious story. Keep walking with your head up because he is about to use your story in abundance.
We thank you that you come to the right places and the right time in our lives. That there is love and care that you have for your children that is unmatched and wrapped in an abundance of love. Help us to keep faith and hope alive in our hearts and at the appropriate time to match it with action by fully trusting you with our pain. Help our posture to be one that is fully aligned with what you have already promised us. We believe that if we hold out a little while longer in faith that we will be met with your grace and your mercy.