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Worth the Wait

Writer: Creseida GreeneCreseida Greene

I have a tough time waiting. I find myself at traffic lights looking at the opposite light to see how long before I get a green light. In my personal life, I’m always defining success based on where I think I should be. It could be anything from my career to singleness. There’s a problem that I have with waiting. I’m not going to bother asking my parents if this has always been a problem of mine because God has been exposing it all on his own.

Recently, I’ve been pretty obsessed with trees. How they stay big and rooted into the earth over time, and how it takes a lot to physically derail them. Trees like that don’t just pop up overnight. There’s a process that starts with a seed, then roots form, and life forms from those roots.

Isn’t God so dope?! He takes something small and over time something majestic is formed that covers and protects. You see there’s a development that can’t be rushed that must take place before the purpose is revealed.

It’s worth the wait.

Do you know what happens when you rush a process? Mistakes happen, injuries happen, and sometimes even heartbreak happens. Good things, or rather God things take time and we have to remain patient in the waiting while he’s cultivating us and preparing us to carry our blessings.

Do you want to be married? But you haven’t even been a good steward of your singleness and trusted God with that. Oh, you want a house? You haven’t honored your studio apartment as you should. Patience is key but also enjoying the blessing that you currently have keeps you rooted for when you grow into what is next.

I never want to be so wrapped up in desiring what’s next that I forget to enjoy the now, the waiting part is the best part. You get to see the transformation, or better yet you get to experience God transforming you. Even in the pain and the struggle, it’s still good. So challenge yourself to take a deep breath, lean into the Father, and remember that you are worth the wait.


We thank you for having to wait. We are grateful for the patience and joy that is established when we wait on you. Help us to remember that there is beauty in growing and not to force where you don’t have us yet. Remind us that in your will and in your way is where our hearts should desire to be. There’s no fun in trying to take over our journeys when you have already beautifully written our stories. Help us to remember that the transitions and transformations are all a part of us becoming who you want us to be.


Worth the Wait




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